Monday, September 19, 2011

Wyoming Lakes Hike

Last weekend, we took Pickles north to Wyoming for some epic hiking adventures.  Colin, Kristen, Talia, Rebecca, Russell, and Lily all came with us.  It was absolutely beautiful hiking and Pickles ran himself ragged. 

Pickles looking back over the back seat through the trunk.  He got to ride in the backseat with Talia.

A beautiful beginning
The dogs following Russell across a meadow
It being the snowy range, there were lots of large snowfields left over still.  Pickles and Lily play down by the water.

Stopping for a drink at one of the many stream crossings.

Rock hopping

Pickles and Lily racing down a snowfield

Medicine Bow Peak
Lily and Pickles wading in a lake.

Resting at the campsite after a long day of hiking

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