Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Flattops Wilderness

This past weekend, we took Pickles hiking and camping up in the flattops wilderness south west of Steamboat Springs. Our goal was hiking across Devil's Causeway, a 5ft wide ridge with thousand foot drops on both sides.
Talia came with us!
Saturday, we did a tour de lakes almost all off trail following along at the base of the cliffs.  Sunday we hiked in reverse along the same circle but on the top of the mountain.  We dump camped at the Horseshoe Campground nearby Saturday night.  This was an amazingly beautiful area.  We saw very few people and true to its name the mountains were flat.  We didn't gain much elevation on either hike.

Pickles went swimming in some of the lakes to cool off
He dries surprisingly fast after exiting the lake with 10lbs of water in his coat
 After accidentally jumping head first into a stream that was buried under some tall grasses, Pickles found a soft dry mound of dirt and did his crazy doggy dance.

There were still quite a few flowers including these columbine
There was one steep traverse on our off-trail hike; Pickles was not very cautious running full speed across the slope
Back at the campsite, Pickles and Mark are kissing in the hammock
Dinner was baked potatoes, grilled cherry tomatoes, corn, and asparagus.  Pickles had dried venison and sweet potatoes
Climbing up towards the causeway on Sunday
Talia crossing the causeway.  Pickles was fully harnessed and leashed for this part.
Up on top, Pickles found several large snowfields and played fetch with an ice chunk.  His feet turned bright pink from the bacteria on the snow (watermelon snow).
We stopped for a nap on Sunday at Mosquito lake and were treated to a rare moose viewing. 

The end of the day, hiking back past Stillwater Reservoir
Since we were car camping, Pickles brought his lounge chair.  He was one tired pup.

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