Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Doggy Day Care

Roscoe and Lily both came over today to play with Pickles.  I think it's a safe bet that they were all very very happy about this situation.  The morning started off with some wrestling in the living room followed by a game of chase in the backyard.  Our backyard is way too small for chase.  They might have all sustained some bruises from running into things.  It's pretty hot outside today too.  After everyone got as much heat as they could stand,  the party moved back inside for another hour of wrestling.  Finally, at 12:30 they all took a brief nap.  After nap time, we had some lunch.  Roscoe ate out of a Frisbee and was surprisingly ravenous, Pickles ate off the floor and Lily ignored them and continued her nap.  After lunch we had some training 101.  We practiced sit, down, shake, come, and stay.  It is really cute to train three dogs at the same time.  They are adorable all lined up in a row sitting or laying down.  Next they had a rousing game of ankle biting.  This is especially fun with three dogs because you are never safe.  Sometimes Lily likes to just supervise.  These are seriously the three cutest dogs ever!  They get along so well.  They slept for another hour and then played the rest of the day.   We'll have to have another play date soon.

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