Wednesday, February 9, 2011


We have started to slowly acquire a lot of puppy gear over the past couple of weeks. We bought a crate off of craigslist, unfortunately it does not collapse so we will most likely get another more portable crate for traveling. I made a cushion for the bottom of the crate along with a couple stuffed toys and braided fleece ropes. We also bought a puppy Kong, Busy Buddy Waggle, Nylabone, and bully stick. We have both an undercoat rake and pin brush to groom with. For leash ware, we have a flat buckle collar, a thin 4ft leash for him to drag around, and a larger 6ft leash for when he's bigger; all three are a nice forest green. We got both his food and water bowls at GoodWill. Still on the shopping list are dog food, a flexible shower head for bath time, toothbrush, toothpaste, ID tag. Anything else that we're missing?
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  1. When he gets bigger, you'll want an easy walk harness and a running harness. The easy walk harness is the fastest, easiest and safest way to train them for loose leash walking. We tried everything with Copper and after 2 days of using the easy walk harness, he was loose leash walking. The running harness is nice for biking, running, hiking, etc. The easy walk gets tangled if you are going faster than a walk. Also, a treat bag is nice. Something reusable. Oh! Since you guys bike so much, you might want to start searching for a dog trailer. We bought a used kiddie one and fixed it up to be sturdier for a dog. Some trips are too long and too much on the road for dogs to run along side. Maybe it you start him in as a puppy, he will learn to love it! I am so excited to meet Pickles!

  2. My comment was almost longer than your post. Sorry!
