Sunday, July 31, 2011

My First 13er

Over 4th of July weekend, we went backing packing in the San Juan mountain Range.  We drove down Friday night, hiked in Saturday, climbed Organ Mountain on Sunday, and hiked out on Sunday.

Basking in the spotlight on the peak

Napping on the hike back down
Brushing our teeth in the hammock
After a cool-off swim in the creek
The homestretch back to the car
Pretty Flower

Boulder Res

We found that you can access the north side of Boulder reservoir by walking from Coot Lake.  There is a nice rustic swimming area and dogs are allowed off leash.  We've been taking Pickles there quite often on the weekends.  The water is high at Boulder Res so the area we go to is flooded.  It makes great swimming for the pup because he can just wade in and it gets deep very gradually. He'll swim for 10 minutes or more just paddling around if we're out in the water.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pickles makes a girlfriend

We are keeping an eye on R&R's cat Millie this week so Pickles got to meet her for the first time. Earlier in the week we went to say hi and he was quite afraid of her, always keeping his distance.  She didn't mind him at all though and never stopped purring.  Today, however, he was all love and kisses. Millie seemed quite enamored herself.