Today, was our last time visiting Pickles in Greeley. Poor Pickles had to leave all his friends behind.
Pickles is a blue merle Australian Shepherd that we have raised since he was 8 weeks old. Here you can watch him grow, learn, and play. We are very enthusiastic about dog training and plan to have the most creatively trained dog in town.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Get this thing off me
While we were visiting last, there was one collar that Brandy and Mike were switching around from puppy to puppy. Whichever puppy had the collar on was seriously distracted. He would run around in large circles away from the other puppies hopping on three legs while his fourth leg tried to itch the collar around his neck. Eventually he would stop sit down and start itching, then get up again and start hopping again often yelping helplessly.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Visit # 3

All the puppies were so friendly that if you slapped your hands on the ground enticingly and called them, all of them would storm into your lap. Pickles was very outgoing, friendly, and people oriented: exactly what we are looking for. They also bragged that he is possibly the smartest puppy of them all. After the puppies started getting cold we went inside and they all fell asleep immediately in their playpen while we sat with pickles in the other room. We got a demonstration of sanding his nails down with a dremel which he didn't seem to mind at all.
When we got up to leave, Brandy put the puppy blanket that we brought with our scent on it into the puppy pen and Pickles curled up on it to go to sleep. Amazingly this wasn't even staged, and he was out in less than a minute.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Learning to Sit
Add basic obedience training to list of things pickles is learning before we even take him home. The other things for which we are super grateful to Brandy and Mike include: potty training, taking the puppies on individual car rides, teaching them to sleep in a crate by themselves at night, leash training, meeting chickens, learning to sit, and just about everything else they do.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Meeting the Chickens
Lucky for us Brandy and Mike have a flock of backyard chickens that they are introducing the puppies to. Pickles is hopefully learning that chickens are friends not food. His sister, Bindi, however, tried to take a taste.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Eye Exams
Today, the puppies all went to have their eyes checked. They were looking for any Iris Colobomas; where a dog will be missing part of its iris causing him to squint in bright sunlight. Since we plan to spend a lot of time outside with our pup; this would affect how suitable the puppy is for us. Luckily, all the puppies have perfect clear eyes and in Pickles case perfect blue eyes. I think he is officially reserved for us now.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Temperament Testing
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Going for a Walk
The puppies got their first experiences with collars and leashes. Pickles appears to know exactly what leashes are for and tried to take his sister, Bindi, for a walk.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
We have started to slowly acquire a lot of puppy gear over the past couple of weeks. We bought a crate off of craigslist, unfortunately it does not collapse so we will most likely get another more portable crate for traveling. I made a cushion for the bottom of the crate along with a couple stuffed toys and braided fleece ropes. We also bought a puppy Kong, Busy Buddy Waggle, Nylabone, and bully stick. We have both an undercoat rake and pin brush to groom with. For leash ware, we have a flat buckle collar, a thin 4ft leash for him to drag around, and a larger 6ft leash for when he's bigger; all three are a nice forest green. We got both his food and water bowls at GoodWill. Still on the shopping list are dog food, a flexible shower head for bath time, toothbrush, toothpaste, ID tag. Anything else that we're missing?
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Visit #2
The puppies were 4.5 weeks old when we went back to see them again. They were up walking around and playing. They were not interested in people and also starting to play with each other. Amazingly, Brandy and Mike their human parents had already begun potty training using puppy pads. It was mostly still hit or miss whether they went on or off the puppy pad. After an hour of playing they were all completely exhausted and fell right asleep. As we got up to left, Darcy was let back inside, immediately waking all of the puppies, which in turn initiated them all to start crying, following after Darcy, and peeing everywhere. They certainly were a handful.
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